Success for assisted dying bill

I’m so happy with Friday’s result which saw MPs vote in favour of assisted dying. It’s a historic first step to meet the aspirations of the public, who overwhelmingly support having choice, dignity, and compassion at the end of their lives. After decades of activism and detailed policy work, Humanists UK looks forward to working further on the legislation as it next goes to Committee stage.

As the Bill goes through further stages and detail is debated, detailed questions of eligibility, process, and safeguards obviously remain on the table, but this is a historic Bill which would give many suffering people the choice and dignity they desire and deserve.

The fact of the matter is that assisted dying is already happening in this country. Some are travelling to Switzerland, if they have the money and mobility to do so. Others are dying in traumatic circumstances by suicide, assisted or otherwise. Many more are suffering greatly, even while receiving the best possible care. This vote shows that MPs see the need to introduce real safeguards to our law where there are currently none.

It was a privilege to speak to protesters prior to the vote outside the Houses of Parliament, and to meet so many dedicated campaigners!



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